As I prepare for the next level in my life the word that continues to appear is “relevant.” I am asking myself how relevant matters are, how relevant people are, how relevant beliefs are, and how relevant am I. Those are powerful questions, especially the later, “How relevant am I”?
Yesterday, I had an opportunity to spend my Easter Sunday speaking to a group of young ladies and as I spoke, one young lady said that she “kinda” wanted to do something. Well, me being me I had to put my spin on it. We only have one life, one shot, and then it’s all over as we know it, so in essence we can’t afford to “kinda” do anything. We have to be relevant in all that we do. I see this as a major issue, especially for young women. Women tend to allow ourselves the option to be on that back burning playing in the background as we take care of everyone else, and not that this is always bad, but many times we don’t live to our full potential in the process. It is important that we understand how our desires, goals, and aspirations are relevant in all that we do, so that when we show up, we are relevant.
What do you desire to do? Where do you see yourself going? What is it that you want to leave for the next generation? When you take the time and ask those questions you find that you answer the question of relevance for your life. As I get ready to turn 35 years of age, everything I do is relevant. Where I use to think I had time to spare and spend my time thinking, I now have to be actively acting. It’s not because I think I am getting old, but it’s because every moment is relevant. The next thing I do has to count. What I am doing now, must matter. I want to be relevant.
The great thing about life is that you have the option to determine what is and isn’t relevant. So, now as I look at my life and I reevaluate what I want and where I want to be I see what is no longer relevant, and what I need to make more relevant. I value the opportunity to travel and see the world; I love teaching, and admire life’s wonderful creations. So, simplicity has its relevance in my life. I have no desire to chase money or material things, but I like having access and enough money to do the things I desire. I am enjoying where I am and I try to live my best life in the now. It hasn’t always been easy and I haven’t always been true to my life’s call, but as I evaluate and reevaluate my life I see the value in making living from the now and doing what I have been called to do as relevant as possible. Now, that’s Gurl Knowledge!
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