

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Be Courageous in Your Fight!

“We all have experienced some kind of fear, but courage is when you don’t allow your fears to consume you. “ Cha Jones

We all have something in life that we are fighting for or with to become who we really desire to be. It is important that we understand that we must have the courage to continue pushing forward even when there are moments that we are faced with disappointments, devastation, and things like fear. All of these things can prevent you from winning the fight, but with courage and the ability to believe that you have in you all that you need, you can and will win.

I have plenty of fears and I have found myself doubting the process at times, but I am thankful that I have never allowed my fears to prevent me from moving forward. Sometimes you have to want to win so bad that even in your fears you decide that losing or failure is not an option. I learned early in life that being consumed my fear was not something I was willing to allow to happen. So, even when fears present themselves in my life I courageously put on my armor and go to battle for what I desire. I know that if I stand in fear I will never be able to move beyond where I am, but if I acknowledge my fears I will be able to go to places I have never been before. Fears keep us in bondage, bound to situations and things that will prevent us from becoming our true person. Freedom and courage allow us to live and flourish in life and it gives us the ability to truly be who we were placed on this Earth to become.

Fear is normal, but it is when you allow fear to consume you that you begin to doubt who you know you are.   If you were placed here to speak to people, but you have a fear of speaking, then the only way to become a speaker is to overcome your fear. If you were placed here to be a sales person, then you will have to overcome any fear of rejection and know that after a number of no’s you will eventually get a yes. Everyone has something that they fear for one reason or another, but if you find the courage to battle your fears you will WIN. You were born to be a success and to move beyond the things that have prevented you from being GREAT.  Anytime you decide that you no longer want to be a victim to your fears you have become a champion in the journey to greatness. That’s Gurl Knowledge!

by Cha Jones

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bridging the Gap

“Always remember where you came from, and if you are smart, as you blaze a trail into the future you will build a bridge for others to cross over as well.” ~ Cha Jones

Today, I began to think about my life and how I have been at the forefront of change in many situations. I have often been the first to accomplish things, and as rewarding as that may be at times, it can also be equally challenging. It is very rewarding to know that you are doing something that hasn’t been done, but it is also challenging when you have no point of reference. When you walk alone it is easy to give up, but when have a squad of cheerleaders that are rooting for you to do bigger and better things, it gives you inspiration to move forward when you feel like retiring your disposition. I know all too well how it is to experience being a lost soul in a forest of uncertainty. However, I can’t help but to understand that my going alone sometimes builds the bridge of change for not only me, but for so many more to come.

As I drove today, I began to assess those times when I felt that I was alone, and I thought about all the times I thought, “If I could just get there how extremely happy I would be.” However, just crossing over isn’t the answer. If I cross and fail to build a bridge, the once lonely road becomes even lonelier, because I now can’t share my accomplishments. The selfish part me says that I am only responsible for laying the path, but the responsible teacher in me says that I must build a bridge. Now, what does building a bridge actually mean? To me building a bridge means that I leave a way for everyone that must follow me to travel. I don’t have to go back and get anyone, but I believe I’m accountable as the first to travel across unfamiliar waters, to not make it easy, but to make it possible for those who follow me.

It is important that as you blaze the trail to new places that you remember that success is not measured by what you do, but rather how you do what you do, and what you do with it once you’re done.  There are plenty of successful people who have changed the way things will forever be, but if they fail to bridge that gap between what was and what is, then all they have done was in vain. True pioneers are those who cross the rivers of change and leave a legacy that empowers those who travel in the distance to continue on way after they have come. I challenge you to be a trail blazer and to travel unknown territories. However, in doing so, know that if others cannot not follow you, then you aren’t leaving a legacy; you’re just developing a path. That’s Gurl Knowledge!

©2010, Cha Jones